Towing Company Makes Waves at School’s Career Day
Think back to your elementary school days – what did you want to be when you grew up? Was it a teacher, a doctor, or a tow truck driver? Chances are you were inspired by the different jobs around you; and you may have even drawn inspiration from your school’s Career Day!
Knowing the importance of inspiring children in their community, Mission Wrecker Towing Company was extremely excited to be a part of Career Day 2022 at Tradition Elementary School. Part of the East Central ISD, Tradition Elementary recently held their annual Career Day for their elementary school students.
They had many participants from different industries attend to talk a bit about their jobs and answer all of the children’s questions. Small groups of children from each grade visited each participant’s Career Day set up and after the activities, Tradition Elementary was kind enough to cater lunch for all participants.
Mission Wrecker was proud to represent the towing industry as a local towing company. Rotator Operator and HD Supervisor, Raul Moreno attended the fair, along with HD Operator, Colby Ramsey. They were excited to chat with the elementary school students and even brought along some of their equipment!
Much to the delight of the students, the Mission Wrecker team brought with them their Century 50-ton rotator, as well as a Century 50-ton xp850 straight stick wrecker. They took the time to demonstrate a normal tow situation by spinning the boom to the side on the rotator and lifting the other 50-ton wrecker.
Towing company = Doritos?
The kids were no doubt impressed by the demonstration and had lots of questions for the towing company. When asked what questions stuck out to them, the Mission Wrecker crew laughed about the student who asked if they were getting Doritos! Another student asked why they had spiked lug nut covers and if they used them to cut car doors open!

Moreno and Ramsey answered numerous questions from the students, and many of them asked more about the job and the reason why they chose to work for a towing company. A few of the kids were keen to see if they could try out the remote controls on the wreckers!
Mission Wrecker was a hit at Career Day, and the students were excited to see the large vehicles that they brought with them and all of its moving parts. The crew were super happy to have a lot of interest from the girls. They seemed to ask the most questions and were very interested about the tow trucking career.
Career Day 2022 was a success and the team at Mission Wrecker was extremely proud to represent their industry and meet the students of Tradition Elementary. They had an amazing time chatting with the students, sharing their passion, and inspiring them to go for their dreams.
Mission Wrecker wanted to thank the students and faculty by saying, “Thank you Tradition Elementary for allowing us to be a part of your career day! We enjoyed it! We loved all the interest and questions from all of the kiddos. Especially all of the questions regarding our spiked lug nut covers.”